Powder XRD at Low Temperature

Bruker D8 Discover

Description: Minimum booking hours: 12 hours, Sample characterizing temperature Range: 20 K- 300 K, Measurement: Cell parameter determination, phase identification, polycrystalline texture determination, local structure identification.

The instrument is used to measure powder samples at low temperature. Multiple temperature range can be measured with varying cooling rate and step size. Sample fluorescence can be filtered almost completely with LYNXEYE XE detector. Sample is placed in vacuum chamber.


Sealed tube anode, Copper source
Maximum operating power: 40 kV 40 mA
Monochromator: Jordan’s Monochromator
Detector: LYNXEYE_XE
Oxford PheniX cryostat sample stage is used for low temperature X-ray diffraction. It is compact helium cryostat, uses a 2 stage closed cycle cooler to cool samples.